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anti primavara



The title is in Romanian and it means the anti-spring (spring as in the season know, summer, spring, winter and so on...)

Antiprimavara de Vasile Seicaru
Youtube: [link]

Dm Gm

Ce dacã vine primãvara


Atâta iarnã e în noi

Bb Gm

Cã martie se poate duce

A Dm

Cu toti cocorii înapoi

În noi e loc numai de iarnã

Vom îngheta sub ultim ger

Orbecãind pe copci de gheatã

Ca un stingher spre alt stingher.

Gm C

Primãvarã, care-ai fost

F Bb

Nu veni, n-ai nici un rost

Gm A

Poti sã pleci suntem reci

A7 Dm D7

Iarnã ni-i pe veci.

Si vin din patriile calde

Cocorii toamnei ce trecu

Si cuibul li-i stricat la streºini

Si lângã mine nu esti tu

Schimbãri mai grave decât moartea

Au fost si sunt si vor mai fi

La mine-n suflet este vifor

Si vin nebuni sã facã schi.

Si ninge pânã la prãsele

Ninsoarea-mi intrã-n în trupul tot

E-un dans de oameni de zãpadã

Ce îmbrãtisarea n-o mai pot

La noi e iarnã pe vecie

Doi fosti nefericiti amanti

Ia-ti înflorirea, primãvarã

Si toti cocorii emigranti.

Translation: (rough)

So what if spring is coming?
There's so much winter between us ...
That March might as well take all her traveling birds back.

Within us there's only room for winter
We will freeze to death in this last storm,
Stumbling about on cracked ice sheets.

Spring, you that have been,
Don't come, there is no point,
You may leave, we are cold, to us it'll be winter for ever

Then from the warm lands
Last autumn's birds come flying back
Their nests they left behind are broken
And next to me there isn't you
Changes, more dire than death,
Have come and are and still will come,
Within my soul it storms,
And madmen come to take my place

It snows high to the window sills
The snowfall fills my body whole
A dance of snowmen that one another hugging can't
For us winter forever will be
Two unhappy have-been lovers
Take away your blooms, spring,
Along with all your immigrant birds
Image size
900x748px 323.1 KB
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yotayshakeit's avatar
I like how it's out of focus.